Monday 30 July 2012

so it's been awhile...

Hi all, long time no blog...things have been crazy busy since my last blog...i FINALLY graduated...and while that weekend should have been the best weekend sucked...i had to go to the emergency room due to a severe ear infection that caused my ear to swell shut, we spent our date night there and i had to back every 8 hours for sucked...and then we have to spend the rest of our time packing for B.C. Initially we were supposed to drive with my MIL here but the family was worried about her driving, so the hubby, kid, and i took a greyhound...after a horrible 22 hours we got to our destination and a friend drove us to our new house just to see the outside since we still had 2 days until we got possession...the previous owner was here "cleaning" so he let us take a quick tour...and i was appalled it was the dirtiest nastiest place i have ever seen...seriously it was gross, and to top it off it smelled of dog shit and awesome...and the realtor lied about so many things we could potentially take her to court for for the first 7 days we cleaned and ripped out carpet and i knew i would eventually renovate certain things but this was so bad it could not wait hopefully by the end of summer we will be done...but it was a nightmare when we first arrived...but luckily for us, we love it here...until next time, cheers, Natasha

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